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New Christmas Eve

Longways Dance for multiples of 2 couples
Country Dancing made Plain & Easy, 1764, by A.D.
8 barsThe first couple casts one place, then casts back again; the second couple casts up one place, then casts back
8 barsFirst man and second woman set twice, then 2 hand turn to the right; first woman and second man do the same
8 barsBoth couples turn a right hand star, then back with the left hand
8 barsFirst couple lead through the second couple and cast up, second couple lead through the first and cast off
8 barsFirst couple cross and perform a half figure of 8 around the second couple, then all four circle left
8 barsSecond couple cross and perform a half figure of 8 around the first couple, then four changes of a circular hay
4 barsEveryone leads out of the set, then returns
4 barsThe first couple leads up the set and the second couple leads down, passing right shoulders; then return
8 barsThe first couple dances a figure of eight around the second couple; the second couple does the same around the first couple
8 barsFirst couple leads down the middle and back, and casts off into second place; the second couple does the same
8 barsThe first couple swing right hands, then cast to the middle; the second couple does the same
8 barsThe first lady chases the first man around the second couple
8 barsThe second lady chases the second man around the first couple
4 barsThe first man leads through the second couple and casts home, then everyone claps once
4 barsThe first woman leads through the second couple and casts home, then everyone claps twice
4 barsEveryone sets, turns single, then stamps three times
4 barsEveryone dos-a-dos with their partner, then clap three times
4 barsThe first corners change places, then the second corners change; then everyone stamps three times
4 barsEveryone sets to their partners, half turns their partners, then claps three times
Repeat whole dance from progressed position

You may copy this notation, with attribution, for non-commercial use
subject to Creative Commons License (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)











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